
How Shopify Helped Shure Set Foot in Singapore?

How Shopify Helped Shure Set Foot in Singapore? | Digital 38

Learn how global audio-electronic brand Shure is expanding its footprint in Southeast Asia by setting up a Shopify store for consumers in Singapore.  

Shure Opens Online Store for Singapore 

Consumers in the Lion City no longer need to look far for state-of-the-art audio equipment. Shure has set foot in Singapore. And with its online store, every customer in the city-state can now get their audio needs with just a click. 

Why Shopify?  

In order to reach out to more potential buyers in Singapore, Shure decided to venture into Ecommerce. The US-based audio manufacturer opened its first online shop in 2021 on Shopify.  

Aside from enabling them to create an awesome website, Shopify has helped Shure kickstart its online business in Singapore in more ways than one! Read on as we discuss the benefits Shure had in choosing Shopify. 

1. Promos & Events

For its soft-opening online, Shopify allowed Shure to host limited events and promos such as free shipping perks for the first batch of purchases, and tons of discounts! And the brand had launched all of these in just one platform!  

2. Customer Retention Programs

Shopify’s native customer loyalty programs also came in handy when Shure launched its virtual store before millions of online buyers in Singapore. With it, Shure was able to roll out its double-points rewards system for every customer who can successfully register and open an account on their online shop.  

3. Seamless Payment System Integration

And last but not least, Shopify has helped Shure facilitate a frictionless online shopping experience by allowing them to provide customers multiple payment options. From Google Pay to credit cards, Shure was able to seamlessly integrate the payment channels they want into their online store.  

Set Up Your Shopify Now  

Setting up your online store does not have to be complicated and burdensome to jumpstart your Ecommerce business. As long as you are doing it the right way. If you want to know more about Ecommerce and Shopify, you may check out articles listed below. 

Or you can consult Ecommerce specialists and certified Shopify partners, who can guide you on how to set up your online store the right way, such as Digital 38, a digital media agency based in Singapore. 

Contact us today.

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