Several advertisers today are taking hold of Google’s advances in machine learning with smart bidding strategies, reach, and robots to their e-commerce store.
About Google Smart Bidding
Smart Bidding is a subgroup of automated bid strategies that use machine learning to enhance and analyse millions of signals in a second to adjust bids to help hit your targets for conversions or conversion value.

How Does it Work?
Google Smart Bidding uses “auction-time bidding,” which means it adjusts bids in real-time for each shopper. Therefore, for every shopper who types in a keyword that triggers your ad, Google is adjusting the bid based on how possibly they think that person is to purchase.
Using context clues like ad creative, time, and user device, it can figure out the possibility of conversion and then create a bidding strategy around those numbers and make improvements over time.

Learning About Reach and Robot
As far as reach goes, many shopping ads can now appear in all the market places. More ad placements mean more opportunities for you to reach shoppers. For standard Shopping campaigns, you can have control over where your ads may appear by adjusting the network settings while for Smart Shopping campaigns, you can get all available networks without the ability to choose out of anything.
With robots, Google has steadily been adding more machine learning and artificial intelligence to both campaign setup and management, namely in the form of Smart campaigns and Smart Bidding. We’ll discuss Smart campaigns in a moment.

Why Use Google Smart Bidding?
Using Google Smart bidding will enable you to the following features:
- Evaluate lots of different signals and context clues to modify bids to each user’s single account.
- Offer flexible control over performance to direct your bidding performance based on the attribution model you choose.
- Deliver custom reports and updates that allow you to understand what’s going on with your bidding strategies
Ready to accelerate your business online? Find out how we can help your e-commerce store reach its goals. Contact us to speak with our experts.
About D38 Ecommerce Agency
D38 is a South East Asia-focused ecommerce agency that provides end-to-end Ecommerce solutions to grow your business on the digital space and generate ongoing monthly revenue. Our e-commerce solutions range from website development, store management, logistics, CRM, customer loyalty programs, automated email marketing, SEO, marketing tools, product press-release (PR) to reputation management – helping international companies simplify e-commerce management across ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
Our team consists of certified Shopify eCommerce experts, designers, developers, content creators and strategists working together to support and provide a seamless online shopping experience for our clients’ eCommerce websites.
We also have a market-specific digital channels team focusing on providing support for LINE Thailand and Japan, Naver for Korea, and ZhaoVN for global Chinese readers for social news and updates.
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D38 is a member of Digital 38 Group.